Developing Your Reflective Gene

I have arrived at a point in life, where I’ve started to look back. Like many I’m sure this was brought on by a life event – in my case it was two major life events. The death of my dear mother and a cancer diagnosis.
This post isn’t meant to be sad. On the contrary, it makes me remember and makes me smile.
Mum had this wonderful ability to catch me when I fell, without saying ‘I told you so.’ Instead she focused on how I would develop my thinking. She would often say ‘take me through it.’
As I look back on it, it makes me smile and say a little thank you; for everything I’ve learnt, everything I can hear myself saying and see myself doing.
I consider this a particular art – or is it a scientific approach? Who knows. For me, I’ve discovered it has a name – REFLECTION.
If you develop your reflective gene, you will become better at whatever you do. If you are a coach, I recommend putting it on your priority list.
Developing your reflective gene will make you a better coach, accelerate your coaching practice and thirdly focus your supervision.
So, how do you develop your reflective gene?
There are 5 points you might like to consider:
- Include personal reflection time in all your sessions. E.g. For a 1.5 hour session, one hour should be coaching, with fifteen minutes for reflection and fifteen minutes for write up
- Reflect deeply rather than widely. Focus your reflection on a particular aspect, and examine every element of your approach. E.g. listening – consider, how do I listen? When do I lose my 100% focus? What do I need to be an even better listener?
- Think about your baseline/where your skills and attributes are, and revisit this frequently.
- Identify your tiny development steps – make sure they’re tiny and achievable
- Contract the key aspects of your development plan with your supervisor
- I couldn’t resist a 6th point – make sure your supervisor is of the same mind – they are also developing their reflective gene!