Five great tips for anyone starting out as a mentor…

The world needs mentors.
We live in a society characterised by individualistic entitlement seasoned with a pinch of fear-induced need to succeed. With potential career paths for many it would seem an exciting time to live, yet the sheer volume of decisions to be made renders a nation impotent.
Many people shy away from mentoring because they either feel under qualified or have had no experience of it themselves so it feels foreign.
I have come to 5 simple conclusions that will hopefully help you along your own mentoring path.
A Mentor is a Constant. In life often the biggest enemy to overcome is inconsistency, a Mentor can provide stability for a mentee.
A Mentor is a Sign Poster. You don’t have to be perfect to be a mentor, simply point your Mentee toward appropriate practitioners when required.
A Mentor is an Aggressive Encourager. Draw the best out of your mentee by being their biggest fan.
A Mentor is a Goal Setter. Make the future smaller by helping your mentee set simple short term goals or help them see the bigger picture with a 20 year plan.
A Mentor is a Sounding Board. Act as a non-judgemental listening ear/. Hear what they have to say without offering your thoughts and allow your mentee to draw their own conclusions.
If you can implement these 5 tips I have no doubt that you will have a great foothold from which start your mentoring career.
Dream big, start small.